Republic of the Philippines

Public-Private Partnership Center

Philippine Standard Time:

Knowledge Management


PPP Code Primer for Local Government Units

PPP Code Primer for Local Government Units

PRIMER FOR LOCAL GOVERNMENT UNITS Republic Act No. 11966 Public-Private Partnership (PPP) Code of the Philippines

PPP Center 2022 Annual Report

PPP Center 2022 Annual Report

The Philippine PPP program in the face of change and challenges

PPP Center 2021 Annual Report

PPP Center 2021 Annual Report

Protecting the gains, hurdling the challenges

Primer on Managing Greenfield Solicited Hybrid PPP Projects

Primer on Managing Greenfield Solicited Hybrid PPP Projects

Contents: What is a greenfield solicited hybrid public-private partnership (PPP) project? What are the factors that should be considered in developing and implementing a greenfield solicited hybrid project? Early establishment of public service outcomes Determining optimal allocation of components vis-à-vis... continue reading