By virtue of the Executive Order No. 8 series of 2010, as amended by Executive Order No. 136 series of 2013, the PPP Center is mandated to facilitate the implementation of the country’s PPP Program and Projects.
The PPP Center is the main driver of the PPP Program. It serves as the central coordinating and monitoring agency for all PPP projects in the Philippines. It champions the country’s PPP Program by enabling implementing agencies in all aspects of project preparation, managing of the Project Development and Monitoring Facility (PDMF), providing projects advisory and facilitation services, monitoring and empowering agencies through various capacity building activities.
The PPP Center provides technical assistance to national government agencies (NGAs), government-owned-and controlled corporations (GOCCs), government financial institutions (GFIs), state universities and colleges (SUCs), and local government units (LGUs) to help develop and implement critical infrastructure and other development projects.
The PPP Center is also advocating policy reforms to improve the legal and regulatory frameworks governing PPPs in order to maximize the great potentials of these infrastructure and development projects in the country.
Through Executive Order No. 136, the PPP Center shall act as the Secretariat of the PPP Governing Board. The Board is the overall policy-making body for all PPP-related matters, including the PDMF. It shall be responsible for setting the strategic direction of the Philippine PPP Program and creating an enabling policy and institutional environment for PPP.
- Conduct project facilitation and assistance to the national implementing agencies, including government corporations, and Local Government Units (LGUs) in addressing impediments or bottlenecks in the implementation of PPP programs and projects;
- Provide advisory services, technical assistance, trainings and capacity development to agencies/LGUs in PPP project preparation and development;
- Recommend plans, policies and implementation guidelines related to PPP in consultation with appropriate oversight committees, implementing agencies, LGUs and the private sectors;
- Manage and administer a revolving fund to be known as the Project Development and Monitoring Facility (PDMF) for the preparation of business case, pre-feasibility and feasibility studies and tender documents of PPP programs and projects;
- Monitor and facilitate the implementation of the priority PPP programs and projects of the agencies/LGUs which shall be formulated by respective agencies/LGUs in coordination with the NEDA Secretariat;
- Establish and manage a central database system of PPP Program and Projects;
- Recommend improvements to timelines in processing PPP programs and project proposals, and monitor compliance of all agencies/LGUs;
- Prepare reports on the implementation of the PPP programs and projects of the government for submission to the President at the end of each year; and
- Perform such other functions which may be critical in expediting and implementing effectively the PPP Programs and Projects of the Government.
The Center shall serve as the champion of public-private partnerships for the country’s inclusive growth and sustainable development.
The Center shall facilitate and optimize public-private partnerships in the country for the delivery of public infrastructure and other development services.
We commit to provide fast, reliable, efficient, competent and effective services that adhere to the principles of good governance and genuine public service.
Passion for Excellence
We are dedicated to consistently deliver timely and the best quality of public service and to ensure efficient and effective implementation of public-private partnerships in the country
As prime movers in public-private partnerships in the country, we strive to achieve positive results through dynamic processes that are anchored on the principles of transparency and accountability
We intend to foster long-term partnerships that will enable clients to meet their public-private partnership targets. We will continuously innovate on our processes to maintain an investment climate where our partners could operate on a level-playing field.
The scope of the Public-Private Partnership Center’s quality management system include technical assistance and advisory services during development, structuring, evaluation, and monitoring of projects; policy formulation; capacity building; and knowledge management; with the assistance of the various support services of the Center.
We at the Public-Private Partnership Center commit to facilitate and optimize PPPs in the country for the delivery of public infrastructure and other development services.
We are dedicated to consistently deliver reliable, efficient, competent and effective services that adhere to the principles of good governance, transparency and accountability.
We commit to continually improve our Quality Management System to provide the highest quality of service to our stakeholders and to promote the well-being of its employees.
The logo design reflects the vision of progress and development for the Philippines within the global context, as signified by the spreading rays of the sun, and the figure of a globe with the Philippine map at the center. The half-globe is further bound by a half-circle connected to the sun’s rays. The circle represents the private sector as the wheels of development. The color gold, often associated with prosperity, depicts progress. The use of color blue, on the other hand, gives the impression that such progress is achieved within a peaceful and stable environment.
What is the role of the PPP Center?
The PPP Center facilitates the implementation of the country’s Public-Private Partnership (PPP) Program. It is a government institution that serves as the central coordinating and monitoring agency for all PPP projects in the country.
It champions the country’s PPP Program by enabling implementing agencies (IAs) in all aspects of project preparation and by providing projects advisory and facilitation services.
What are the functions of the PPP Center?
The PPP Center provides technical assistance to national government agencies (NGAs), government-owned-and controlled corporations (GOCCs), government financial institutions (GFIs), state universities and colleges (SUCs), and local government units (LGUs) to help them develop and implement PPP projects.
The Center also manages the Project Development and Monitoring Facility, a revolving pool of funds meant to be accessed by Implementing Agencies in order to engage consultants and transaction advisors to help them undertake project preparation and transaction support for their PPP projects.
What are the legal bases of the PPP Center?
The PPP Center was created by virtue of Executive Order (EO) No. 8 series of 2010 signed on September 9, 2010. It reorganized and renamed the BOT Center into the Public-Private Partnership Center of the Philippines. Previously, the BOT Center was an attached agency of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI). Under EO 8, the PPP Center is now an attached agency of the National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA).
On May 28, 2013, the EO 136 was signed which amended certain sections of EO 8 and created the PPP Governing Board (PPPGB). The Board was created to act as the overall policy-making body for all PPP related matters, including the Project Development Monitoring Facility (PDMF). The PPP Center reports directly to the PPP Governing Board and acts as its secretariat.
Who is the head of the Center?
The Center is led by an Executive Director (Undersecretary) and two Deputy Executive Directors.
What are the different units/departments in the Center?
The Center is composed of 6 Services with different divisions per service. These are:
a. Project Development and Monitoring Facility Service
b. Project Development Service
c. Policy Formulation and Project Evaluation and Monitoring Service
d. Capacity Building and Knowledge Management Service
e. Legal Service
f. Administrative Service
Does the PPP Center assist the private sector in undertaking PPP projects?
The PPP Center does not have the mandate to assist the private sector in undertaking PPP projects. According to Executive Order No. 8, the PPP Center provides its technical advisory services to Implementing Agencies (IAs). These IAs are composed of government agencies, local government units, government owned and controlled corporations and state universities and colleges.
Does the PPP Center release certification for private companies that are interested to participate in PPPs?
No. Private partners can participate without certification. They only need to purchase the pre-qualification documents of the project for them to understand the bidding requirements and participate in the project’s tender process.