The Public-Private Partnership (PPP) Center conducted a PPP briefing with the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) on July 5, 2023, at the PCG National Headquarters. The meeting-briefing aimed to discuss the PPP Program, with a specific focus on the PCG’s modernization efforts.

As the agency mandated to establish, operate, regulate, and maintain the vessel traffic and monitoring system (VTMS) nationwide, the PCG is committed to enhancing its VTMS Centers through the pursuit of suitable development projects. In this regard, the PCG has recognized the potential of PPPs as a modality to execute such projects efficiently and effectively.

Led by CG VADM JOSEPH M COYME, the Vice Chairperson of the PCG Modernization Board, the meeting provided an opportunity for the PCG Modernization Board to gain a comprehensive understanding of the PPP Program and its potential application to PCG’s modernization goals. Director Feroisa Francisca T. Concordia of the Capacity Building and Knowledge Management Service spearheaded the discussion on PPPs, highlighting its concepts and legal frameworks.

The collaboration with the PPP Center demonstrates PCG’s commitment to leveraging strategic partnerships to continually perform its vital role in safeguarding Philippine waters.