UP-Philippine General Hospital (PGH) is developing, as a Public Private Partnership (PPP), a 300-bed dedicated cancer hospital in its Metro Manila campus that aims to provide international quality comprehensive cancer treatment for both sponsored and private inpatients and outpatients, with a minimum of half of all beds providing treatment to underprivileged Filipinos.

The private partner will design, finance, construct, and commission a new standalone hospital building to be located within UP-PGH’s Metro Manila campus with a dedicated 150-bed area for sponsored patients and a dedicated 150 bed area for paying patients. UP-PGH will provide all clinical services free of charge for sponsored patients, with the private sector offering clinical services to fee paying patients. The private partner will also provide all major equipment (initial and replacement), undertake maintenance, facilities management as well as non-clinical services (including cleaning, catering, laundry, and security) to the entire hospital under a 30-year PPP concession.

We are pleased to invite interested firms to learn more about this project through this Investor Conference. The conference will provide a venue to introduce the UP PGH Cancer Center Project, and will include an open forum with key project development team members in order to discuss and hear feedback.

The event will be conducted in hybrid format so that interested participants may attend either in person or online. Kindly note that slots for in person attendance are by request only and limited to 2 people per organization due to space limitations and health protocols.

Registration is open until Friday February 24, 2023 at the link below.