PPP Center featured at Asia PPP Practitioners' Network Conference in Korea

Seoul, South Korea – The PPP Center attends the 2023 Asia PPP Practitioners’ Network (APN) Conference whose theme this year is “Setting the Context for Infrastructure Investment as a Catalyst for Sustainable Recovery and Climate-Resilient Transition.”

During the country roundtable, government officials and delegates from eleven Asian countries presented recent developments and issues in their respective countries’ PPP initiatives, laws, regulations, and markets.

PPP Center Executive Director Ma. Cynthia C. Hernandez briefly presented how the issues arising from a fragmented legal framework in the Philippines are sought to be addressed through the new PPP Code of the Philippines.

ED Hernandez shared that “With a new PPP law, the Philippine government hopes to have a more enabling environment to achieve our ambitions for economic development.”_

Also in attendance with the PPP Center are officials from the Department of Finance -Privatization and Corporate Affairs Group.

The 2023 APN Conference is hosted by the Korean Development Institute, the World Bank Group, and the Asian Development Bank, with support from the South Korean Ministry of Economy and Finance.