The Public-Private Partnership (PPP) Center, in partnership with the Asian Development Bank (ADB), conducted a two-day capacity building activity (CBA) titled “Introduction to the PPP Code and its Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) and PPP Project Concept Note (PCN) Workshop” at the PPP Center’s Board Room on December 4 and 5, 2024.

This CBA is specifically designed for the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao’s (BARMM) Ministry of Finance, and Budget, and Management and aims to deepen participants’ understanding of the PPP project identification, selection, and prioritization process, and the importance of the different components of a PPP PCN to ensure proper evaluation and relevant inputs provision.

During the first day, salient features of the PPP Code and its IRR, including updated roles and processes under the new legal framework were delivered by PPP Center Deputy Executive Director and Assistant Secretary Jeffrey I. Manalo. Following this, Mr. Nigel Gavilan B. Rillon, Senior Markets Development Officer of ADB, introduced the ADB Office of Markets Development and PPPs.

On the second day, PPP Center officers Ms. Camila S. Buduan-Eugenio and Ms. Jamie C. Cabrera, who are responsible for project evaluation and project development respectively, discussed the review and appraisal of PPP projects, as well as the processes of identification, initial considerations, screening, and prioritization process.

Following this, an open forum and workshop on the technical review and critique of PCNs were conducted with sessions on group discussions, consultations, output presentation, and critiquing.

The PPP Center continues to support implementing agencies through CBAs and other technical assistance initiatives to help them develop and implement critical infrastructure projects across the country.