Baggao LGU conducts submission of bid proposals for its JV water project

The Local Government Unit (LGU) of the Municipality of Baggao in Cagayan Province, with assistance from the Public-Private Partnership (PPP) Center, held the submission of bids for the Baggao Water Supply Joint Venture (JV) Project on August 17, 2023, in Quezon City.

Out of the two companies who purchased the bidding documents, M.E. Sicat Construction, Inc., submitted its bid proposals to the Joint Venture-Selection Committee (JV-SC) chaired by Engr. Jenison C. Herrera. Based on the initial evaluation, the JV-SC determined that the company’s proposal was complete.

In her opening remarks, PPP Center Executive Director Ma. Cynthia C. Hernandez congratulated Baggao LGU for creating and adopting its own JV Code in line with their efforts to advance their vision and goal.

“We hope that this project will serve as a model in cascading PPPs at the local level. We look forward to a successful bidding process for the attainment of the long-term visions of the LGU of Baggao to have a safe water supply,” the PPP Center chief said.

The 25-year JV term water supply project entails the design, financing, construction, testing, operation, and maintenance of a Level III Water Supply System that will supply 24 barangays with a safe and reliable water supply system. The project will be carried out through the JV Agreement in accordance with the municipality’s JV Code.

After the detailed evaluation of the submitted eligibility documents, the Baggao JV-SC will release the results and issue the notice of eligibility or ineligibility to the bidder.