The Public-Private Partnership (PPP) Center briefed representatives from the National Economic and Development Authority’s (NEDA) Regional Development Group as well as Regional Directors, Assistant Regional Directors and Division Chiefs of the NEDA Regional Offices (NROs) during the capacity building activity (CBA) titled Overview of the PPP Code, its Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) and Guidelines for Local Review and Approval held on October 30, 2024 via Zoom.
Undersecretary Carlos Bernardo O. Abad Santos of the NEDA Regional Development Group opened the session, emphasizing that the PPP Code clarifies ambiguities and provides a unified legal framework for all PPPs. He explained that within this framework, the roles of NROs have expanded beyond the various stages of the PPP process to include assisting the local implementing agencies in adapting to recent policy changes. He further stressed that NROs, as the Regional Public-Private Partnership Committees’ (RPPC) secretariat, are responsible in facilitating the entire process.
Director Feroisa Francisca T. Concordia of the PPP Center’s Capacity Building and Knowledge Management Service discussed the new legal framework for PPPs and the roles of NROs under the PPP Code and its IRR.
Following this, Assistant Secretary and PPP Center Deputy Executive Director Jeffrey I. Manalo presented the Guidelines and Procedures for the Review and Approval of Local PPP Projects by the Appropriate Approving Body or PPP Governing Board Resolution No. 2024-07-02. Highlighted in the discussion was the role of the RPPPC, which is a newly mandated body in the Regional Development Councils (RDC) that shall serve as a reviewing body of local PPP projects affecting national and sectoral development plans and national projects, local PPP projects requiring allowable Government Undertakings
and/or Availability Payments using national funds, and local PPP projects with both instances.
The participants actively participated in the discussion, raising questions and clarifications, particularly about the roles of the RDC, operationalization of the RPPPC within the respective RDCs, and its roles in undertaking the review and approval process for local PPP projects.
Around 91 participants from NROs and NEDA Regional Development Group attended the activity.