Republic of the Philippines

Public-Private Partnership Center

Philippine Standard Time:

Knowledge Management


Kaunlarang Hatid ng Tuwid na Daan

Kaunlarang Hatid ng Tuwid na Daan

Video documentary courtesy of the Office of the President’s Presidential Communications Operations Office (OP-PCOO) on the Aquino Administration’s Infrastructure and Inclusive Growth Agenda.

PPP for School Infrastructure – Phase I Project

PPP for School Infrastructure – Phase I Project

A heart-warming video on how DepEd’s PPP for School Infrastructure Project will impact future generations of school children in the country. Video courtesy of Megawide Corporation

A Quick Introduction to PPP

A Quick Introduction to PPP

Video courtesy of United Nation Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE). This video is distributed during Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) Days 2012, a four-day conference held at Geneva, Switzerland. PPP Days 2012 brings together PPP practitioners from public sector PPP units and... continue reading