BEEP cards can now be used to pay for bus rides on Citylink buses plying the Newport City-Eastwood City route, AF Payments Inc. announced on Thursday.

“Citylink is the first bus company to have an automated fare collection system that computes for distance-based fare. We’ll be implementing this scheme in most of our upcoming bus partnerships,” AF Payments spokesperson Tere Anchete said in a statement.

The Newport City-Eastwood City route costs P39 pesos. Passengers are required to tap their beep card twice—upon boarding and before getting off the bus.

The buses are equipped with global positioning system (GPS) to determine the precise station a passenger gets on and off the bus, AF Payments said.

Citylink’s C5 route buses operate from Mondays to Saturdays, with the earliest time of departure at 6 a.m.
The beep card can be purchased at any LRT or MRT station or selected partner establishments and is reloadable at FamilyMart, Bayad Center, SM Bills Payment Centers, and Villarica and Tambunting outlets.

24 March 2017
By Reicelene Joy Ignacio